
In addition to the main library that accompanies our CVPR paper, we also provide 5 useful console applications that can be used to:

  • Train various models of any architecture
  • Test these models
  • Assess the models based on the quality of the 3D reconstruction by computing various metrics such as accuracy and completeness

These console applications allow for fast and easy experimentation without the overhead of writing additional done. Below is the thorough list of these console applications:

  • raynet_pretrain is used to train a Multi-View CNN model. For more details regarding what we mean by Multi-View CNN model, please refer to our paper.
  • raynet_train is used to train the RayNet, our end-to-end trainable architecture that consists of a Multi-View CNN and a Markov Random Field (MRF).
  • raynet_forward is used to perform inference using a pre-trained Keras model, either using the Multi-View CNN or the RayNet architecture.
  • raynet_compute_metrics is used to compute various metrics such as the per-pixel mean depth error, the accuracy and the completeness of the 3D Reconstruction.
  • raynet_to_pcl is used to transform a set of depth maps into a point cloud.

All console applications have an extensive help menu that will help you provide them with the necessary arguments. To be able to parse command-line arguments we use the argparse module. Additional to this, below, we also give a brief overview of the corresponding console applications. For additional examples please refer to our Examples.

Common arguments

While every console application has different command-line arguments there are some common arguments for all of them, which are briefly mentioned below:

  • dataset_type: This argument is pretty self-explanatory and is used to set the format of the dataset. Currently, our code, supports two dataset formats, the DTU MVS dataset and the Aerial dataset. In case you want to use our code with a different dataset you can easily incorporate a suitable Dataset wrapper in our existing codebase.
  • select_neighbors_based_on: This argument is used to control how neighbouring views are selected. We provide two alternatives based either on their geometrical distance or their order in the file system. They can be selected with distance and filesystem respectively.
  • illumination_condition: This argument is used to choose the desired illumination condition of the input views only fro the DTU dataset.
  • input_output_dimensionality: This argument is used to set the dimensions of the input vector in the Multi-View CNN model as well as the dimensions of the prediction. The default argument set the input dimension to be equal to , where is the number of depth hypotheses, is the number of all combinations of all views and is the shape of the patch. The dimensions of the prediction is , namely one probability per depth hypotheses.
  • loss: This argument is used to choose the loss function to be minimized while training a neural network architectures. The user can select one of the following loss functions, emd that refers to the Earth Mover's Distance loss, squared_emd that refers to its squared variant and categorical crossentropy that refers to the Cross entropy loss.


raynet_pretrain is the command-line used to train a Multi-View CNN model of an arbitrary architecture. In our current implementation, we have developed various architectures that can be selected by setting the --cnn_factory argument using one of the following:

  • simple_cnn: This architecture consists of a Convolutional layer, followed by a Batch Normalization layer followed by a ReLU 5 times. We remove remove the ReLU from the last layer in order to retain information encoded both in the negative and positive range. For this architecture we assume that the receptive field is .
  • dilated_cnn_with_receptive_field_25: In order to be able to increase the receptive field without increasing the number of parameters in this architecture we also use dilated convolution layers. For this architecture we assume that the receptive field is .
  • dilated_cnn_with_receptive_field_25_with_tanh: The same as the previous one, with the only difference that we replace the non-linearities with tanh instead of ReLU.

Currently, you can select one of the available cnn_factories, however if you wish to experiment with a new architecture you can easily incorporate in the existing codebase. For more information please have a look at the corresponding example. When choosing your desired architecture do not forget to also set the corresponding --patch_shape argument based on the receptive field of this architecture.

Below we summarize the mandatory arguments for the raynet_pretrain command-line:

  • training_directory: A path to the directory containing the training set.
  • test_directory: A path to the directory containing the test set.
  • output_directory: A path to a directory that will be used to save the trained models as well as various training statistics such as training loss, training accuracy, vaidation loss, validation accuracy etc.
  • train_test_scenes_range: A json file that controls which scenes from the current dataset will be used as training and test set. To get an idea of how this json file should like, please check the config folder in our code.

In addition, we also list some optional arguments that are most commonly used:

  • n_test_samples: The number of samples used for validation
  • training_cached_samples: In order to further speed up the training process, we implemented a Producer-Consumer pattern by creating a BatchProvider class. In more detail, one thread is in charge of producing batches, while the main thread is in charge of consuming this batches for training. This argument specifies the set of cached samples used to randomly choose batches from. Depending on your system's memory constraints you might need to properly adapt it!


raynet_train is the command-line used to train RayNet, namely the Multi-View CNN with the MRF. Again, depending on the desired architecture for the Multi-View CNN model you should choose it by appropriately setting the argument --cnn_factory. For the MRF, you need to specify the argument --initial_gamma, which is used to control our initial belief for a voxel being occupied. Depending on whether you want to learn the directly from the data you can simply add --train_with_gamma in your command-line arguments.

Below we summarize the mandatory arguments for the raynet_train command-line:

  • training_directory: A path to the directory containing the training set.
  • test_directory: A path to the directory containing the test set,
  • output_directory: A path to a directory that will be used to save the trained models as well as various training statistics such as training loss, training accuracy, vaidation loss, validation accuracy etc.
  • weight_file: A previously pre-trained KERAS model from the Multi-View CNN.
  • train_test_scenes_range: A json file that controls which scenes from the current dataset will be used as training and test set. To get an idea of how this json file should like, please check the config folder in our code.


raynet_forward is the command-line used to test previously trained models using various models. The type of the pre-trained model can be chosen via setting the --forward_pass_factory argument. The multi_view_cnn factory refers to a Multi-View CNN model and estimates discretized depth maps at uniformly sampled depth hypotheses. Similar, the multi_view_cnn_voxel_space factory is the same as the above, with the only difference that it predicts discretized depths on the voxel grid, defined using the bounding box of the scene. Finally, the raynet factory refers to our end-to-end trainable model, RayNet. The output of this application is a directory that contains a depth map for each view of the scene.

Below we summarize the mandatory arguments for the raynet_forward command-line:

  • dataset_directory: A path to the directory containing the dataset.
  • output_directory: A path to a directory that will be used to save a depth map for every view in the scene that we want to reconstruct.

Some important optional arguments, worth mentioning are listed below:

  • --weight_file: A previously pre-trained KERAS model.
  • --scene_idx: The index of the scene to be reconstructed. Keep in mind that if there is not an explicit scene indexing system, we map the scenes of a dataset to indices based on their alphabetical order.
  • --start_end: A tuple setting the indices of the first and the final views to be reconstructed.
  • --skip_every: The number of views to be skipped between the first and the final view.

Again based on your desired --cnn_factory you should correctly set the --patch_shape argument. Currently, this script requires CUDA. However, this constraint will be lifted in the next versions.


raynet_compute_metrics is the command-line used to estimate the quality of the 3D reconstruction. Our current implementation supports three metrics, the accuracy, the completeness and the per pixel mean depth error. The first two metrics are estimated in the 3D space, while the later is defined in the image space and averaged over all ground truth depth maps. Given a directory that contains the estimated depth maps our console application can estimate all the aforementioned metrics.

Below we summarize the mandatory arguments for the raynet_compute_metrics command-line:

  • dataset_directory: A path to the directory that contains the dataset.
  • predictions_directory: A path to the directory that contains the estimated depth maps.
  • {ppmde,accuracy,completeness}: The implemented metrics to be used. The user can select multiple metrics at the same time in a single run.

As we already mentioned above, the accuracy and completeness are estimated in the 3D space, thus we need to convert the estimated depth maps into a point-cloud before computing these metrics. However, simply estimating the point cloud from a set of depth maps is quite noisy, thus we provide three arguments, --n_neighbors, --consistency_threshold, --with_consistency_check that enables some standard filtering methods.


raynet_to_pcl is the command-line used to convert a set of depth maps to a point-cloud. Similar to the previous console application, also here we provide three arguments, --n_neighbors, --consistency_threshold, --with_consistency_check that can be used to filter the reconstructed point-cloud.

Below we summarize the mandatory arguments for the raynet_to_pcl command-line:

  • dataset_directory: A path to the directory that contains the dataset.
  • predictions_directory: A path to the directory that contains the estimated depth maps.
  • output_directory: A path to the directory that will be used to save the estimated point-cloud.